Peter Wolf

The Early Years
Peter Wolf was born Edward William Wolf in Southampton, Long Island New York on June 11, 1918. He became a scenic designer in New York City after attending Yale University. He met his wife of almost 60 years, Caroline in the theatre department at Yale.

Move To Texas
Wolf was wooed and eventually transported to Texas in 1950. There was a great need for a set designer in this part of the country. He designed sets for the San Antonio Operas and for The Starlight Operettas in Fair Park in Dallas (eventually becoming the State Fair Musicals).

Illustrious Career
Peter Wolf designed Broadway shows such as The King and I with Yul Brenner, and Peter Pan with Sandy Duncan and numerous church sanctuaries and pageants across the country.

Personal Life
As a devoutly spiritual man, he believed in the healing powers of love and compassion. He was a member of his church vestry, a deacon and involved with the Greater Dallas Council of Churches. He was also a devoted and loving friend, husband, father and grandfather.

His Dream Lives On
His family and friends miss him. We also know that everyone that encountered him felt a wit, wisdom and loving kindness that goes beyond what is required of us as members of the human race. He touched many people and we want the love he shared with us to continue.

This cross is part of that story. Even though he designed and created this interactive prayer pendent, he told his family and friends that clearly, he was just the messenger. “Nothing that is created comes from any source other than God”

2016 The Open Cross
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